September 2021 Newsletter

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Changes at IntegriCom

Deanna has been IntegriCom’s Service Coordinator for over three years, and I’m sure many of you have talked to her as she ensured you were getting the quality managed IT services you need. She recently decided to move on to other opportunities and her last day is tomorrow, 9/8/21. We want to thank her for her service to IntegriCom and to our clients, and we wish her all the best in her future!

We Are Expanding & Hiring

We are building our team and would like your help. Do you know of anyone who matches our Core Values?

IntegriCom Core Values:

  • Selfless for our clients and each other
  • Relentless at improving
  • Professional unassuming confidence
  • Joyfully doing the right thing, regardless​

In addition to Service Coordinator, we have three positions open:

IntegriCom Careers

Tech Tip of the Month

Do not reuse passwords.

Use a unique password for all your accounts.

The average number of websites that users access using the same password is 4! Weak password security exposes your organization to cyber threats.

Don’t use easy to guess passwords.

Add another layer of security to your cybersecurity initiatives and make your password a nonsense phrase.
Do not use easy weak passwords

Manage your passwords with a tool like LastPass.

To get LastPass, email us

Do you have general IT infrastructure or upcoming planning questions?

Schedule a free IT Review now

IntegriCom® provides strategic planning and any professional services to businesses in our service area—from technology design to implementation and project management. Think of us as your IT executive.

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Author: IntegriCom

IntegriCom delivers Reliable IT Services for business. Following a process that has been proven over decades, our clients gain peace of mind as we fully manage their IT—from cybersecurity and cloud services to networks, computers, and telephone systems.